5 Ways to Declutter Your Home Workspace

5 Ways to Declutter Your Home Workspace

June 20, 2021

With so many of us working from the comfort of home, it’s no secret that the line between workspace and home living space can become quite blurred. If you’re not careful, your home workspace can look like a messy heap of paperwork, plants, bills, electronics, keys, toys, coffee cups, and possibly a cat. If that’s the case, it’s high-time you give your house a clean sweep, literally.

So here we present you five simple ways to declutter your home workspace to help improve your productivity and efficiency.

Take Inventory

Identify the items that are most important to you and list them on a notepad or your dry erase board. This is a good start for determining what items to keep and what to ditch.

Remove What’s Not Needed

Curate your personal workspace by discarding papers, documents, supplies, and others things that you no longer need. Make sure to only put items that are related to work on your desk and maybe just one or two knick-knacks to add that personal touch. A clear desk equals a clear mind. Keeping your workspace clutter-free is the initial step for creating a better workflow, as you will be less distracted and thus more focused on work.

Organize Your Workspace

Invest in organisational tools to keep items in their designated spaces, whether that is on your desk, or in cabinets, drawers, or anywhere easily accessible.

Manage Those Cables

More often than not, we tend to overlook the unsightly electrical cables and cords sprawled across our desk and floor. Untangle and organize loose cords using ties and Velcro to keep excess cables tucked away and hidden. You can also opt for wireless devices such as a keyboard, mouse, and printer to reduce cables and cords.

Don’t Forget Your Digital Clutter

Another major productivity killer is digital clutter. Time to stop navigating through unorganised files and excess browser tabs, or endlessly scrolling through useless email notifications and closing annoying alerts. Organize your digital files, put a limit to browser tabs, purge useless emails, and deactivate all non-work related alerts.

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