The Best Tools for Distance Learning

The Best Tools for Distance Learning

November 04, 2020

Covid-19 has affected all of us in different ways and one of those heavily impacted in the midst of this global health crisis is the education sector. In a collective effort to contain the spread of this virus, governments around the world have, at times, mandated near-total closure of schools, universities, and other learning spaces. As a result, and in order to preserve the economy, the education industry has evolved to meet the rapidly growing demand for distance learning.

Since the pandemic’s disruption of traditional educational systems, navigating new methods of distance learning-based programs has presented significant challenges for educators, learners, and parents alike. However, with the right set of tools, distance learning can be much easier than once imagined. Check out the items below that can help you during these ever-changing times.

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Basic supplies such as pens, paper, highlighters, and books are great to have within arm's reach. We may live in the Internet Age, but sometimes nothing beats a good pen and paper when trying to gather your thoughts. Whiteboards also make for a great addition to any designated learning space - striking the perfect mix between fun and interactive, with enough room to visualize big concepts.


Another essential component to distance learning is a desktop, laptop, or tablet capable of accessing your virtual classroom. Whatever the device, be sure your software is always up to date and that your device is compatible with the applications required as part of your distance learning curriculum.


A quality headset or pair of earbuds are a necessity now. With so much time spent online, try investing in a product with bluetooth wireless technology. You’ll be thankful you did; one less cord is one less distraction. When choosing a pair, look for something lightweight and comfortable with an external microphone and noise canceling feature. Less noise also means less distraction.

canvix distance learning internet

Reliable High Speed Internet

This one should go without saying. Make sure your internet is fast enough to accommodate your e-learning needs. Looking for a good way to test your connection? Try launching a Zoom meeting with your friend or family member to make sure everything’s coming through clear and not choppy. If you’re seeing issues, take a few deep breaths and give your internet provider a call to work things out before your next class.

Webcam (That You Actually Turn On)

Even in an online setting, face-to-face communication is still quite important and oftentimes essential to fostering a connection with someone else. These days pretty much everyone has a “webcam” - in fact the term itself is going out of fashion since almost all devices come equipped with built-in cameras. But having a camera isn’t enough, actually using it is what’s important. Sure, this might be you can’t wear pajamas to class (at least above the waist), and yes, you may also have to run a comb through your hair to start your day, but doing so is easily worth the price of having others know you as more than just a name at the bottom of their screen. Socially distanced doesn’t have to be socially awkward, so turn on that camera and form some connections. It’ll pay off.

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